Verified Commit 08c51694 authored by Cui's avatar Cui

add new prop

parent d0c36b6f
......@@ -396,6 +396,10 @@ type AppMessage struct {
ProjectId string `json:"projectId" bson:"projectId"`
ProductId string `json:"productId" bson:"productId"`
PushAim string `json:"pushAim" bson:"pushAim"` // { enum: [ 'PURCHASE_TRANSFORM', 'COURSE_TEST' ] }, // 推送目的 PURCHASE_TRANSFORM:购买转化 COURSE_TEST:课程内测
PracticeId string `json:"practiceId" bson:"practiceId"` // 选择试听课
ExperienceButton string `json:"experienceButton" bson:"experienceButton"` // 试听结果页按钮
} `json:"extra"`
......@@ -413,6 +417,13 @@ func (am *AppMessage) ToFields() (fields logrus.Fields) {
fields["channelId"] = am.Extra.ChannelId
fields["channelGroupId"] = am.Extra.ChannelGroupId
fields["projectId"] = am.Extra.ProjectId
fields["productId"] = am.Extra.ProductId
fields["pushAim"] = am.Extra.PushAim
fields["practiceId"] = am.Extra.PracticeId
fields["experienceButton"] = am.Extra.ExperienceButton
fields["unReadCount"] = am.Extra.UnReadCount
fields["messageId"] = am.Extra.MessageId
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