Verified Commit 8268e27e authored by Cui's avatar Cui

add params

parent 2c8b6a7b
......@@ -390,6 +390,9 @@ type AppMessage struct {
NoticeType int `json:"noticeType"`
UserId string `json:"userId"`
Start string `json:"start"`
JumpType string `json:"jumpType"` // enum: [ 'app','web' ],
JumpPage string `json:"jumpPage"` // enum: [ 'home', 'found', 'invite','buyCourse ','buyCard','webpage' ],
JumpUrl string `json:"jumpUrl"`
......@@ -422,6 +425,9 @@ func (am *AppMessage) ToFields() (fields logrus.Fields) {
fields["jumpTag"] = am.Extra.JumpTag
fields["classType"] = am.Extra.ClassType
fields["userId"] = am.Extra.UserId
fields["start"] = am.Extra.Start
fields["channelId"] = am.Extra.ChannelId
fields["channelGroupId"] = am.Extra.ChannelGroupId
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