Verified Commit b57ae2d0 authored by Cui's avatar Cui


parent de593c9e
......@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ type AppMessage struct {
JumpUrl string `json:"jumpUrl"`
JumpTag string `json:"jumpTag"`
JumpText string `json:"jumpText"`
IsHotVip bool `json:"isHotVip"` // 是否为爆款 VIP
ShareId string `json:"shareId" bson:"shareId"`
ChannelId string `json:"channelId"`
......@@ -419,6 +420,7 @@ func (am *AppMessage) ToFields() (fields logrus.Fields) {
fields["jumpPage"] = am.Extra.JumpPage
fields["jumpUrl"] = am.Extra.JumpUrl
fields["jumpTag"] = am.Extra.JumpTag
fields["isHotVip"] = am.Extra.IsHotVip
fields["channelId"] = am.Extra.ChannelId
fields["channelGroupId"] = am.Extra.ChannelGroupId
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