Verified Commit eaea688c authored by Cui's avatar Cui

add prop

parent da8259d1
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ type MessageStruct struct {
SendBatchNumber string `json:"_sendBatchNumber"`
JsonId string `json:"_jsonId"`
LabelPushId string `json:"labelPushId"`
Marketing bool `json:"marketing"` // 短信,是否为延迟推送的营销短信
AppId string `json:"appId" bson:"appId"`
SmsAppId int `json:"smsAppId" bson:"smsAppId"`
......@@ -74,6 +75,8 @@ type MessageStruct struct {
func (m *MessageStruct) ToFields() (fields logrus.Fields) {
fields = make(logrus.Fields)
fields["appId"] = m.AppId
fields["labelPushId"] = m.LabelPushId
fields["marketing"] = m.Marketing
fields["messageType"] = m.MessageType
fields["messageSubType"] = m.MessageSubType
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