Verified Commit ef146a9f authored by Cui's avatar Cui

add umeng api

parent 9a4c7dd0
require ( v0.0.0-20180425093509-ad62647adf04 v1.3.0 v1.0.0
) v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v0.0.0-20180425093509-ad62647adf04 h1:S+9Ua2s9IVhZUzuqEBRtgvGyE0BNOwAVtl5zvVsoNAw= v0.0.0-20180425093509-ad62647adf04/go.mod h1:68nSgivWifFndv3X4OMS7EIuHaNxJb1PlYECLiH99jU= v1.4.0 h1:8nsMz3tWa9SWWPL60G1V6CUsf4lLjWLTNEtibhe8gh8= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:RyIbtBH6LamlWaDj8nUwkbUhJ87Yi3uG0guNDohfE1A= v0.0.0-20180405133222-e7e905edc00e h1:+lIPJOWl+jSiJOc70QXJ07+2eg2Jy2EC7Mi11BWujeM=
* @Author: cuiweiqiang
* @Date: 2019-01-17 11:47
package sender
import (
const (
umeng_host = ""
listcast_device_tokens_max = 500
customizedcast_alias_max = 500
// "type":"xx", // 必填,消息发送类型,其值可以为:
TYPE_UNICAST = "unicast" // 单播
TYPE_LISTCAST = "listcast" // 列播,要求不超过500个device_token
TYPE_FILECAST = "filecast" // 文件播,多个device_token可通过文件形式批量发送
TYPE_BROADCAST = "broadcast" // 广播
TYPE_GROUPCAST = "groupcast" // 组播,按照filter筛选用户群, 请参照filter参数
TYPE_CUSTOMIZEDCAST = "customizedcast" // 通过alias进行推送,包括以下两种case:
// "after_open": "xx", // 可选,默认为"go_app",值可以为:
PAYLOAD_AFTER_OPEN_GO_APP = "go_app" // 打开应用
PAYLOAD_AFTER_OPEN_GO_ACTIVITY = "go_activity" // 打开特定的activity
PAYLOAD_AFTER_OPEN_GO_CUSTOM = "go_custom" // 用户自定义内容。
type (
Reqd struct {
Appkey string `json:"appkey,omitempty"`
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
DeviceTokens string `json:"device_tokens,omitempty"`
AliasType string `json:"alias_type,omitempty"`
Alias string `json:"alias,omitempty"`
FileID string `json:"file_id,omitempty"`
Filter interface{} `json:"filter,omitempty"`
Payload struct {
DisplayType string `json:"display_type,omitempty"`
Body struct {
Ticker string `json:"ticker,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
LargeIcon string `json:"largeIcon,omitempty"`
Img string `json:"img,omitempty"`
Sound string `json:"sound,omitempty"`
BuilderID int `json:"builder_id,omitempty"`
PlayVibrate bool `json:"play_vibrate,omitempty"`
PlayLights bool `json:"play_lights,omitempty"`
PlaySound bool `json:"play_sound,omitempty"`
AfterOpen string `json:"after_open,omitempty"`
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
Activity string `json:"activity,omitempty"`
Custom interface{} `json:"custom,omitempty"`
} `json:"body,omitempty"`
Extra interface{} `json:"extra,omitempty"`
} `json:"payload,omitempty"`
Policy struct {
StartTime string `json:"start_time,omitempty"`
ExpireTime string `json:"expire_time,omitempty"`
MaxSendNum int `json:"max_send_num,omitempty"`
OutBizNo string `json:"out_biz_no,omitempty"`
} `json:"policy,omitempty"`
ProductionMode bool `json:"production_mode,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Mipush bool `json:"mipush,omitempty"`
MiActivity string `json:"mi_activity,omitempty"`
Resp struct {
Ret string `json:"ret"`
Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data"`
Context struct {
AppKey string
AppSecret string
func (r *Reqd) AddDeviceToken(token string) *Reqd {
if r.Type == TYPE_UNICAST {
r.DeviceTokens = token
} else if r.Type == TYPE_LISTCAST {
arr := strings.Split(r.DeviceTokens, ",")
arr = append(arr, token)
arr = arr[:listcast_device_tokens_max]
r.DeviceTokens = strings.Join(arr, ",")
return r
func (r *Reqd) AddDeviceTokens(tokens []string) *Reqd {
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return r
if r.Type == TYPE_UNICAST {
r.DeviceTokens = tokens[0]
} else if r.Type == TYPE_LISTCAST {
arr := strings.Split(r.DeviceTokens, ",")
arr = append(arr, tokens...)
arr = arr[:listcast_device_tokens_max]
r.DeviceTokens = strings.Join(arr, ",")
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetAliasType(typ string) *Reqd {
return r
r.AliasType = typ
return r
func (r *Reqd) AddAlias(alias string) *Reqd {
return r
arr := strings.Split(r.Alias, ",")
if len(arr) > customizedcast_alias_max {
return r
arr = append(arr, alias)
r.Alias = strings.Join(arr, ",")
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetFileId(fn string) *Reqd {
// not support
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetFilter(ft interface{}) *Reqd {
r.Filter = ft
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadDisplyType(typ string) *Reqd {
r.Payload.DisplayType = typ
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadTicker(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Ticker = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadTitle(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Title = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadText(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Text = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadIcon(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Icon = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadLargeIcon(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.LargeIcon = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadImg(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Img = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadSound(val string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Sound = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadBuilderID(val int) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.BuilderID = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadPlayVibrate(val bool) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.PlayVibrate = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadPlayLights(val bool) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.PlayLights = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadPlaySound(val bool) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.PlaySound = val
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadAfterOpen(typ string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Body.AfterOpen = typ
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadURL(url string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
if r.Payload.Body.AfterOpen != PAYLOAD_AFTER_OPEN_GO_URL {
return r
r.Payload.Body.URL = url
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadActivity(act string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
if r.Payload.Body.AfterOpen != PAYLOAD_AFTER_OPEN_GO_ACTIVITY {
return r
r.Payload.Body.Activity = act
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadCustom(data string) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType != PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE && r.Payload.Body.
return r
r.Payload.Body.Custom = data
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetPayloadExtra(i interface{}) *Reqd {
if r.Payload.DisplayType == PAYLOAD_DISPLAY_TYPE_MESSAGE {
return r
r.Payload.Extra = i
return r
// 发送策略
func (r *Reqd) SetTime(start int64, expire int64) *Reqd {
r.Policy.StartTime = time.Unix(start, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
r.Policy.ExpireTime = time.Unix(expire, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetSendMaxNum(num int) *Reqd {
r.Policy.MaxSendNum = num
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetUniqueId(id string) *Reqd {
r.Policy.OutBizNo = id
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetProductionMode(b bool) *Reqd {
r.ProductionMode = b
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetDescription(str string) *Reqd {
r.Description = str
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetMipush(b bool) *Reqd {
r.Mipush = b
return r
func (r *Reqd) SetMiActivity(str string) *Reqd {
r.MiActivity = str
return r
func NewConext(appKey, appSecret string) *Context {
p := &Context{}
p.AppKey = appKey
p.AppSecret = appSecret
return p
func (r *Context) url(reqd *Reqd) string {
bodystr, _ := json.Marshal(reqd)
sign := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s", "POST", umeng_host, bodystr, r.AppSecret)
md5sum := md5.Sum([]byte(sign[:]))
sign = hex.EncodeToString(md5sum[:])
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?sign=%s", umeng_host, sign)
func (r *Context) NewReqd(typ string) *Reqd {
p := Reqd{}
p.Appkey = r.AppKey
p.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
p.Type = typ
return &p
func (r *Context) Send(reqd *Reqd) *Resp {
url := r.url(reqd)
req := httplib.Post(url).SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
_, _ = req.JSONBody(reqd)
res := Resp{}
err := req.ToJSON(&res)
if err != nil {
return &res
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